Intuitively Understanding Pipelines

Tutorial Alias

PN: pipe node

This tutorial will teach the foundational concepts of function_pipe PN pipelines through clear and intuitive steps. After reading, you will:

  • Know how to build and use a PN and/or PN pipeline

  • Understand the different between the creation and evaluation phase of PN

  • Understand how to link PNs together

  • Understand what a PN input is, and how to share data across PNs

  • Be able to debug issues in your own PNs


Function pipelines happen in two stages: creation & evaluation.

Creation is the step in which a pipeline is defined, understood as either a single PN, or multiple PNs chained together using the | operator. Here is a pseudo-code example of this:

pipeline = (pn_a | pn_b | pn_c | ...)

# OR

pipeline = pn

Evaluation is the step in which the pipeline is actually called, where the function code inside each PN is actually run:

pipeline["initial input"] # Evaluate the pipeline by using __getitem__, and passing in some initial input

Visualizing the Distinction Between Creation & Evaluation

To get started, we will create two simple PNs, put them into a pipeline expression, and then evaluate that expression. Creation followed by evaluation.

To do this, we will use the fpn.pipe_node decorator, and define methods which take **kwargs. (**kwargs will be explained later!)

import function_pipe as fpn  # Import convention!

def pipe_node_1(**kwargs):
   print("pipe_node_1 has been evaluated")

def pipe_node_2(**kwargs):
   print("pipe_node_2 has been evaluated")

print("Start creation")
pipeline = (pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2)
print("End creation")

print("Start pipeline evaluation")
print("End pipeline evaluation")

Now, let’s see the output that happens were we to run the previous code.

Start creation
End creation
Start pipeline evaluation
| <function pipe_node_1 at 0x7f582c428ca0>
pipe_node_1 has been evaluated
| <function pipe_node_2 at 0x7f582c428b80>
pipe_node_2 has been evaluated
End pipeline evaluation

As you can see, none of the PNs are called (evaluated) until the pipeline expression itself was created and then invoked.

What Is The Deal With Kwargs

In the previous example, we used **kwargs on each function (if we hadn’t, the code would have failed!) Why did we need this, and what are they? Let’s investigate!

To investigate, we will build up a slightly longer pipeline, and expand the nodes to return some values

def pipe_node_1(**kwargs):
   return 1

def pipe_node_2(**kwargs):
   return 2

def pipe_node_3(**kwargs):
   return 3

pipeline = (pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2 | pipe_node_3)
assert pipeline["original_input"] == 3

print(f"repr(pipeline) = '{repr(pipeline)}'")

Running the above code will produce the following output:

| <function pipe_node_1 at 0x7f582cceb700>
{"pn_input": "original_input"}
| <function pipe_node_2 at 0x7f582c2d30d0>
{"pn_input": "original_input", "predecessor_pn": <PN: pipe_node_1>, "predecessor_return": 1}
| <function pipe_node_3 at 0x7f582c33b820>
{"pn_input": "original_input", "predecessor_pn": <PN: pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2>, "predecessor_return": 2}
repr(pipeline) = '<PN: pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2 | pipe_node_3>'

There are a few things happening here worth observing.

  1. Every node is given the kwarg pn_input.

  2. Each node (except the first), is given the kwargs predecessor_pn and predecessor_return

The first node is special. In the context of the pipeline it lives in, there are no PNs preceding it, hence predecessor_pn and predecessor_return are not passed in!

For every other node, it is initiutive what the values of predecessor_pn and predecessor_return will be. They contain the node instance of the one before, and the return value of that node once it’s evaluated.

As we can observe on pipe_node_3, the repr of predecessor_pn shows how it’s predecessor is actually a pipeline of PNs instead of a single PN. Additionally, printing the repr of pipeline shows how it is a pipeline of multiple PNs.


From now on, we will refer to the three strings above by their symbolic constant handles in the function_pipe module. They are fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_PN, and fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN, respectively.

Using the Kwargs

Now that we know what will be passed in through each PN’s **kwargs based on where it is in the pipeline, let’s write some code that takes advantage of that.

def multiply_input_by_2(**kwargs):
   return kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT] * 2

def add_7(**kwargs):
   return kwargs[fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN] + 7

def divide_by_3(**kwargs):
   return kwargs[fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN] / 3

pipeline_1 = (multiply_input_by_2 | add_7 | divide_by_3)
assert pipeline_1[12] == (((12 * 2) + 7) / 3)

pipeline_2 = (multiply_input_by_2 | divide_by_3 | add_7)
assert pipeline_2[12] == (((12 * 2) / 3) + 7)

As you can see, PNs have the ability to use the return values from their predecessors, or the fpn.PN_INPUT whenever they need to.

You can also observe that pipeline_2 reversed the order of the latter two PNs from their order in pipeline_1. This worked seamlessly, since each of the PNs was accessing information from the predecessor’s return value. Had we tried something like:

pipeline_3 = (add_7 | multiply_input_by_2 | divide_by_3)

it would have failed, since the first PN is never given fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN as a kwarg.


fpn.PREDECESSOR_PN is a kwarg that is almost never used in regular PNs or pipelines. If you are reaching for this kwarg, you are probably doing something wrong! It’s primary purpose is to ensure the internals of the function_pipe.PipeNode module are working properly, not for use by end users.

Hiding the Kwargs

Now that we know how to use **kwargs, we can see that manually extracting the pipeline kwargs we care about each time is not good! On top of that, it’s highly undesirable to require the signature of all PNs to accept arbitrary **kwargs.

Lucky for us, the fpn.pipe_node decorator can be optionally given the desired kwargs we want to positionally bind in the actual function signature.

# Bind the first positional argument
def multiply_input_by_2(pn_input):
   return pn_input * 2

# Bind the first positional argument
def add_7(previous_value):
   return previous_value + 7

# Bind the first and second positional arguments
@fpn.pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
def divide_by_3_add_pn_input(pn_input, previous_value):
   return (previous_value / 3) + pn_input

@fpn.pipe_node() # Bind no arguments
def nothing_is_bound():

pipeline = (
   | multiply_input_by_2
   | add_7
   | divide_by_3_add_pn_input
assert pipeline[12] == ((((12 * 2) + 7) / 3) + 12)

Ah. That’s much better. It clears up the function signature, and makes it clear what each PN function needs in order to process properly.

To restate what’s happening, arguments given to the decorator will be extracted from the pipeline, and implicitly passed in as the first positional arguments defined in the function signature.

What About Other Arguments

So far, we have most of the basics. However, there is one essential use case missing: how do I define additional arguments on my function? Let’s say instead of a PN called add_7, I want to have a PN called add, that takes an argument that will be added to the predecessor return value. Here’s a pseudo-code example:

def add(previous_value, value_to_add):
   return previous_value + value_to_add

pipeline = (... | ... | add(13) | .. )

Ideally, there should be a mechanism that allows the user bind (or partial) custom args & kwargs to give their pipelines all the flexibility needed.

Welcome To the Factory

Thankfully, such a mechanism exists: it’s called fpn.pipe_node_factory. This is the other key decorator we need to know for building PNs.

The previous example would work exactly as expected had we replaced the fpn.pipe_node decorator with the fpn.pipe_node_factory decorator!

def init(pn_input):
   return pn_input

def add(previous_value, value_to_add):
   return previous_value + value_to_add

pipeline = (init | add(3) | add(4.2) | add(-2003))
assert pipeline[0] == (0 + 3 + 4.2 + -2003)

To reiterate what’s happening here, the fpn.pipe_node_factory decorates the method in such way it can be thought of as a factory that builds PNs. This is essential, since every element in a pipeline must be a PN! The PN factories allow us to used bound (or partialed) PN with arbitrary args/kwargs.

A Common Factory Mistake

A common failure when using fpn.pipe_node_factory is forgetting to call the decorator before it’s put into the pipeline!

Building on the previous example, let’s see what happens if we forgot to add an argument to add.

def init(pn_input):
   return pn_input

def add(previous_value, value_to_add):
   return previous_value + value_to_add

# Uh-oh! One of the `add` pn factories was not given its required argument!
pipeline = (init | add(3) | add(4.2) | add)

Let’s see the failure message this will raise:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
ValueError: Either you put a factory in a pipeline (i.e. not a pipe node), or your factory was given a reserved pipeline kwarg ('pn_input', 'predecessor_pn', 'predecessor_return').

This failure should make sense now! Every node in a pipline must be a PN. Since add was not given a factory argument, it was a PN factory, not a PN.

PN Input (pni)

Code Alias

pni: pn_input (argument conventionally bound to fpn.PN_INPUT)

Up until now, the usage of pni (i.e. the argument conventionally bound to fpn.PN_INPUT) has been a relatively diverse. This is because fpn.PN_INPUT refers to the initial input to the pipeline, and as such, can be any value. For these simple examples, I have been providing integers, but real-world cases typically rely on the fpn.PipeNodeInput class.

fpn.PipeNodeInput is a subclassable object, which has the ability to:

  1. Store results from previous PNs

  2. Recall values from previous PNs

  3. Share state across PNs.

Let’s observe the following example, where we subclass fpn.PipeNodeInput in order to share some state accross PNs.

class PNI(fpn.PipeNodeInput):
   def __init__(self, state):
      self.state = state

pni_12 = PNI(12)

def pipe_node_1(pni):
   return pni.state * 2

@fpn.pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
def pipe_node_2(pni, previous_value):
   return (pni.state * previous_value) / 33

@fpn.pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
def pipe_node_3(pni, previous_value):
   return (previous_value ** pni.state) -16

pipeline = (pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2 | pipe_node_3)
assert pipeline[pni_12] == ((((12 * (12 * 2)) / 33) ** 12) - 16)

This is also a good opportunity to highlight how pipeline expressions can be easily reused to provide different results when given different inital inputs. Using the above example, giving a different pni will give us a totally different result:

pni_99 = PNI(99)
assert pipeline[pni_99] == ((((99 * (99 * 2)) / 33) ** 99) - 16)
assert pipeline[pni_99] != pipeline[pni_12]

Store & Recall

One of the main benefits to using a fpn.PipeNodeInput subclass, is the ability to use and fpn.recall. These utility methods will store & recall results from a cache privately stored on the pni.

def returns_12345():
   return 12345

def double_previous(previous_value):
   return previous_value * 2

def return_previous(previous_value):
   return previous_value

pni = fpn.PipeNodeInput()

pipeline_1 = (
   | double_previous

pipeline_2 = (fpn.recall("first_result") | return_previous)
assert pipeline_2[pni] == 12345

pipeline_3 = (fpn.recall("second_result") | return_previous)
assert pipeline_3[pni] == (12345 * 2)

As you can see, once results have been stored using, they are retrievable using fpn.recall for any other pipeline that is evaluated with that same pni!

Additionally, you can see that and fpn.recall simply forward along the previous return values so that they can be seamlessly inserted anywhere into a pipeline.

Note and fpn.recall only work when the initial input is a valid instance or subclass instance of fpn.PipeNodeInput.

Advanced - Instance/Class/Static Methods

The final section in this tutorial explains the tools needed for turning classmethods and staticmethods into PNs. To do this, we can take advantage of special classmethod/staticmethod tools built into the function_pipe library!


Normal “instance” methods (i.e. functions that expect self (i.e. the instance) passed in as the first argument) work exactly as expected with the fpn.pipe_node and fpn.pipe_node_factory decorators, as long as the name of the argument is “self”.

Building on everything we’ve seen so far, let’s take a look at the class below, which demonstrates usage of fpn.classmethod_pipe_node, fpn.classmethod_pipe_node_factory, fpn.staticmethod_pipe_node and fpn.staticmethod_pipe_node_factory.

class Operations:
   STATE = 1

   def __init__(self, state):
      self.state = state

   def operation_1(self, **kwargs):
      # This works as expected, since the first argument is "self"
      return self.state + kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_2(cls, **kwargs):
      return cls.STATE + kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_3(**kwargs):
      return kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_4(self, user_arg, *, user_kwarg, **kwargs):
      return (self.state + user_arg - user_kwarg) * kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_5(cls, user_arg, *, user_kwarg, **kwargs):
      return (cls.STATE + user_arg - user_kwarg) * kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_6(user_arg, *, user_kwarg, **kwargs):
      return (user_arg - user_kwarg) * kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_7(self, pni):
      return (self.state + pni.state) * 2

   def operation_8(cls, previous_value, user_arg, *, user_kwarg):
      return (cls.STATE + user_arg - user_kwarg) * previous_value

   @fpn.staticmethod_pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
   def operation_9(pni, previous_value):
      return (pni.state - previous_value) ** 2

class PNI(fpn.PipeNodeInput):
   def __init__(self, state):
      self.state = state

pni = PNI(-99)

op = Operations(2)

pipeline = (
      # The first three are PNs!
      | op.operation_2
      | op.operation_3
      # The second three are PN factories!
      | op.operation_4(10, user_kwarg=11)
      | op.operation_5(12, user_kwarg=13)
      | op.operation_6(14, user_kwarg=15)
      # The rest are PNs (except `operation_8`)
      | op.operation_7
      | op.operation_8(16, user_kwarg=17)
      | op.operation_9

assert pipeline[pni] == 9801 # Good luck figuring that one out ;)

To help explain the decorators a bit more, here is a quick pseudo-code example showing an alternative way to understand them:


# Behaves like you think this would:


# ------------------------------------------------------------


# Behaves like you think this would:


# etc...



For this entire tutorial, PNs and pipeline expressions have been evaluated using __getitem__. There is actually another way to do this. As we learned, the first node in a pipeline only receives fpn.PN_INPUT as a kwarg. Not only that, but it must receive that as a kwarg. The call that kicks off a PN/pipeline evaluation must give a single kwarg:fpn.PN_INPUT

Thus, we can actually evaluate a PN/pipeline expression this way:

some_pipe_node(**{fpn.PN_INPUT: pni})

Obviously, this approach is not very pretty, and it’s quite a lot to type for the privilege of evaluation. Thus, the __getitem__ syntactical sugar was introduced to make it so the user isn’t required to unpack a single kwarg whenever they want to evaluate a pipeline.


__getitem__ has special handling for when the key is None. This will evaluate the PN/pipeline expression with a bare instance of fpn.PipeNodeInput. If the user desires to evaluate their expression with the literal value None, they must kwarg unpack like so: pn(**{fpn.PN_INPUT: None}).

Common Mistakes

  1. Placing a bare factory in pipeline (see: A Common Factory Mistake).

  2. Calling a PN directly (with the exception of unpacking the single kwarg fpn.PN_INPUT).

  3. Partialing a method wrapped with fpn.pipe_node or fpn.pipe_node_factory.

  4. Using @classmethod or @staticmethod decorators instead of the special decorators designed for working with classmethods/staticmethods.

  5. Decorating a function with fpn.pipe_node whose signature expects args/kwargs outside either those bound from the pipeline, or **kwargs.


A feature of fpn.pipe_node_factory is how it handles args/kwargs that are themselves PNs. For these types of arguments, it will evaluate them as isolated PNs with fpn.PN_INPUT forwarded, and then use the evaluated value in place of that PN. (This is referred to as broadcasting).


def add_divide_exponentiate(*args, divide_by, to_power):
   return (sum(args) / divide_by) ** to_power

def multiply_input_by_2(pni):
   return pni * 2

def add_3_to_pni(pni):
   return pni + 3

def forward_pni(pni):
   return pni

pipeline = add_divide_exponentiate(

assert pipeline[12] == ((12 * 2 - 4 + 12) / 25) ** (12 + 3)

As we can see, when factories are given PNs as args/kwargs, they are evaluated with the fpn.PN_INPUT given to the original PN/expression being evaluated.


A helpful feature of PNs, is the ability to perform arithmetic operations on the pipeline during creation. Supported operators are:

  • Unary: -, ~, and abs()

  • Binary: +, -, *, /, **, ==, !=, >, <, <=, and >=

def get_pni(pni):
   return pni

def mul(prev, val):
   return prev*val

expr = ((get_pni + abs(-get_pni | mul(-0.9))) | mul(17) - 6 / get_pni) ** 23

assert expr[12] == ((12 + abs(-12 * -0.9)) * 17 - 6 / 12) ** 23


After going through this tutorial, you should now have an understanding of:

  • The creation and evaluation stages of a pipeline

  • The fpn.pipe_node decorator, and when to use it

  • The fpn.pipe_node_factory decorator, and when to use it

  • How to positionally bind the first argument(s) of a pipeline to fpn.PN_INPUT and/or fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN.

  • How to use and fpn.recall to store and recall results from a pipeline.

  • How to use fpn.PipeNodeInput.

  • How to make instance methods, classmethods, and staticmethods into PNs.

  • Why __getitem__ is used to evaluate a pipeline, and what an alternative calling method is

  • How to identify and address the most common mistakes when using PNs.

  • What broadcasting is and how to use it.

  • How to use arithmetic unary/binary operators in a pipeline.

Here is all of the code examples we have seen so far:

import function_pipe as fpn  # Import convention!

def pipe_node_1(**kwargs):
   print("pipe_node_1 has been evaluated")

def pipe_node_2(**kwargs):
   print("pipe_node_2 has been evaluated")

print("Start creation")
pipeline = (pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2)
print("End creation")

print("Start pipeline evaluation")
print("End pipeline evaluation")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def pipe_node_1(**kwargs):
   return 1

def pipe_node_2(**kwargs):
   return 2

def pipe_node_3(**kwargs):
   return 3

pipeline = (pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2 | pipe_node_3)
assert pipeline["original_input"] == 3

print(f"repr(pipeline) = '{repr(pipeline)}'")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def multiply_input_by_2(**kwargs):
   return kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT] * 2

def add_7(**kwargs):
   return kwargs[fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN] + 7

def divide_by_3(**kwargs):
   return kwargs[fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN] / 3

pipeline_1 = (multiply_input_by_2 | add_7 | divide_by_3)
assert pipeline_1[12] == (((12 * 2) + 7) / 3)

pipeline_2 = (multiply_input_by_2 | divide_by_3 | add_7)
assert pipeline_2[12] == (((12 * 2) / 3) + 7)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

pipeline_3 = (add_7 | multiply_input_by_2 | divide_by_3)

except KeyError as e:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Bind the first positional argument
def multiply_input_by_2(pn_input):
   return pn_input * 2

# Bind the first positional argument
def add_7(previous_value):
   return previous_value + 7

# Bind the first and second positional arguments
@fpn.pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
def divide_by_3_add_pn_input(pn_input, previous_value):
   return (previous_value / 3) + pn_input

@fpn.pipe_node() # Bind no arguments
def nothing_is_bound():

pipeline = (
   | multiply_input_by_2
   | add_7
   | divide_by_3_add_pn_input
assert pipeline[12] == ((((12 * 2) + 7) / 3) + 12)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def init(pn_input):
   return pn_input

def add(previous_value, value_to_add):
   return previous_value + value_to_add

pipeline = (init | add(3) | add(4.2) | add(-2003))
assert pipeline[0] == (0 + 3 + 4.2 + -2003)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def init(pn_input):
   return pn_input

def add(previous_value, value_to_add):
   return previous_value + value_to_add

# Uh-oh! One of the `add` pn factories was not given its required argument!
   pipeline = (init | add(3) | add(4.2) | add)
except ValueError as e:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

class PNI(fpn.PipeNodeInput):
   def __init__(self, state):
      self.state = state

pni_12 = PNI(12)

def pipe_node_1(pni):
   return pni.state * 2

@fpn.pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
def pipe_node_2(pni, previous_value):
   return (pni.state * previous_value) / 33

@fpn.pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
def pipe_node_3(pni, previous_value):
   return (previous_value ** pni.state) -16

pipeline = (pipe_node_1 | pipe_node_2 | pipe_node_3)
assert pipeline[pni_12] == ((((12 * (12 * 2)) / 33) ** 12) - 16)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

pni_99 = PNI(99)
assert pipeline[pni_99] == ((((99 * (99 * 2)) / 33) ** 99) - 16)
assert pipeline[pni_99] != pipeline[pni_12]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def returns_12345():
   return 12345

def double_previous(previous_value):
   return previous_value * 2

def return_previous(previous_value):
   return previous_value

pni = fpn.PipeNodeInput()

pipeline_1 = (
   | double_previous

pipeline_2 = (fpn.recall("first_result") | return_previous)
assert pipeline_2[pni] == 12345

pipeline_3 = (fpn.recall("second_result") | return_previous)
assert pipeline_3[pni] == (12345 * 2)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Operations:
   STATE = 1

   def __init__(self, state):
      self.state = state

   def operation_1(self, **kwargs):
      # This works as expected, since the first argument is "self"
      return self.state + kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_2(cls, **kwargs):
      return cls.STATE + kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_3(**kwargs):
      return kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_4(self, user_arg, *, user_kwarg, **kwargs):
      return (self.state + user_arg - user_kwarg) * kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_5(cls, user_arg, *, user_kwarg, **kwargs):
      return (cls.STATE + user_arg - user_kwarg) * kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_6(user_arg, *, user_kwarg, **kwargs):
      return (user_arg - user_kwarg) * kwargs[fpn.PN_INPUT].state

   def operation_7(self, pni):
      return (self.state + pni.state) * 2

   def operation_8(cls, previous_value, user_arg, *, user_kwarg):
      return (cls.STATE + user_arg - user_kwarg) * previous_value

   @fpn.staticmethod_pipe_node(fpn.PN_INPUT, fpn.PREDECESSOR_RETURN)
   def operation_9(pni, previous_value):
      return (pni.state - previous_value) ** 2

class PNI(fpn.PipeNodeInput):
   def __init__(self, state):
      self.state = state

pni = PNI(-99)

op = Operations(2)

pipeline = (
      # The first three are PNs!
      | op.operation_2
      | op.operation_3
      # The second three are PN factories!
      | op.operation_4(10, user_kwarg=11)
      | op.operation_5(12, user_kwarg=13)
      | op.operation_6(14, user_kwarg=15)
      # The rest are PNs (except `operation_8`)
      | op.operation_7
      | op.operation_8(16, user_kwarg=17)
      | op.operation_9

assert pipeline[pni] == 9801 # Good luck figuring that one out ;)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def add_divide_exponentiate(*args, divide_by, to_power):
   return (sum(args) / divide_by) ** to_power

def multiply_input_by_2(pni):
   return pni * 2

def add_3_to_pni(pni):
   return pni + 3

def forward_pni(pni):
   return pni

pipeline = add_divide_exponentiate(

assert pipeline[12] == ((12 * 2 - 4 + 12) / 25) ** (12 + 3)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_pni(pni):
   return pni

def mul(prev, val):
   return prev*val

expr = ((get_pni + abs(-get_pni | mul(-0.9))) | mul(17) - 6 / get_pni) ** 23

assert expr[12] == ((12 + abs(-12 * -0.9)) * 17 - 6 / 12) ** 23